Rize ETF

Rize Environmental Impact 100 – A True Impact ETF Targeting Companies Acting on Climate Change Mitigation

Reading Time: 7 minRize Environmental Impact 100 has a first-of-its-kind investment strategy and Europe’s first truly environmental impact ETF. The LIFE ETF brings an innovative approach to sustainable investing, avoiding the sometimes blurry ESG ratings, Rize created a selection criteria based on the EU Taxonomy and in line with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Read more…

ecocards - tiny houses

Eco-Friendly Cards Bunq, Aspiration, Currensea and TreeCard Can Offset (Some of) Your Carbon Emissions

Reading Time: 11 minEco-friendly cards can be a good way of mitigating some of your carbon emissions. Bunq, Aspitation, Currensea, and TreeCard offer interesting digital cards that plant trees based on the amount you spend. However, carbon offsetting does not reduce your carbon footprint. Intro Fintech and digital banking are interesting new trends. Read more…

featured image green startups small crop2 - tiny houses

Invest in Green Startups With Top 5 European Equity Crowdfunding Platforms (+3 Bonus Platforms)

Reading Time: 12 minEquity crowdfunding platforms allow investors to invest directly in sustainable or green startups that are addressing one or more of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Here we investigate the top European equity-based crowdfunding platforms and review the best options. Intro Equity-based crowdfunding has had a significant growth in the Read more…

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Avaliação GoParity – Plataforma Portuguesa Oferece Interessantes Projetos Cleantech

Reading Time: 6 minGoParity é uma plataforma de investimento de impacto para investidores interessados em desenvolvimento sustentavel e projetos de tecnologia limpa. Nesta avaliação da plataforma GoParity, analisamos seus processos e productos, apresentamos nossas principais conclusões e recomendações finais Introdução GoParity é uma nova plataforma portuguesa de investimento de impacto. A partir de Read more…